Clear Health Solutions has partnered with a VR platform company that teaches social, behavioural, communication and life skills for individuals with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD), ADHD, Anxiety and other neurodiverse conditions.
The VR program is immersive & repeatable. It provides practice in situations difficult to replicate in home or office settings. Learners are empowered by practicing social skills in a safe and reinforcing manner.

Our therapist are able to guide the Child through lessons in a fun, safe and engaging way. Therapists are able to select lessons, monitor progress and give feedback to the child and their family.

Using VR to create role-playing environments for practicing social skills or alleviate phobias has proven to be successful – increasingly – however, people with autism are using VR to convey their own experiences, both to raise awareness of the condition and to capture the cognitive and perceptual differences- 2019